1. General rules for every user:
1.1. Do not swear.
1.2. No racism. (instant ban)
1.3. Do not insult anyone
1.4. No spamming - putting ads of other websites, forums etc. You may include them in signature though.
1.5. Don't make useless posts, threads, reply with one word only, or reply with a smileyface only. Doublepost allowed in case if it's your topic, and you have a permission from an admin/moderator or unless 6h have passed after your last post.
1.6. Only one user from one PC. If you want to sign up your relative or friend, contact admins.
1.7. Check rules often, there might be additions or changes.
2. Sign up rules.
2.1. 1PC = 1 PLAYER. If you want to sign up your relative/friend contact admins, wait for a permission to be given in the thread.
2.2. Sign up only in the thread specified.
2.3. Sign up with your real name. No cartoon characters, film characters or persons from Pro Football.
2.4. Don't sign up celebrities.
2.5. By signing up you have to recheck what's asked. After filling, check your skills twice.
2.6. Before signing up check if there's still room for the position you applied. If you'll apply for position filled, you'll be sent to position with least players.
2.7. Try to make yourself as much real as you're in life. (optional)
3. Admin, moderator rules.
3.1. Make sure the rules are obeyed.
3.2. Don't take part in arguements, try to avoid and solve them.
3.3. Post in warn topic when warn/ban somebody.
3.4. Show yourself from the best side to other users.
(First - mutual warning, second time - warn, third time - ban for a certain time.)
Last edit: 17.10.2011